A couple of weeks ago, my kids disappeared into the woods for hours. Here's what they were doing. Ben built Emmy a really awesome fort. They are two of a kind when it comes to the great outdoors.

My little "Amazon" woman!

Here is Alex Truitt babysitting himself while his parents and the Boardmans solve the world's problems.

Is this fun or what?

Holly and I took Josh, Shallen and Lauren Truitt to Youth Challenge last month. After we dropped them off, we headed to Cinci to hang out with the sister-in-laws for a couple days. Sarah, so graciously opened her home to us and we had a blast! This picture just cracks me up! Holly told us to snuggle up for the picture and some of them took her seriously!!!!

The sis-in-laws after their shopping and feeding frenzy. Don't we look rejuvenated? ( Sorry for the candid shot of Sarah's dog, Lucy. Didn't see it until after I loaded the pic.)

The proud hunters!

This is a special moment for Ben. He and Zach are dedicated sportsmen and it was so exciting for him to shoot an eight-point buck for his first deer!